Darling's place
Lastly... mee darling *pei* mee watch tv....
loving tis sweet festive season to the maxxxx...... :)
super romantic, fun &... can request endless xmas present from my beloved darling~ haha... :)
*1st of all... bought a sweet pretty xmas card for mee Darling...
...& surprised him by mailing the card to him
den usual old method of passin the card personally~ :D*went over to Darling place & he given mee my
xmas 2007 card + a cute gingerbread man~
**when for last minute shoppin on xmas eve cos all mee cuzzies decided to throw a mini party at one of my sweet cousin home~
*Playboy Timer Water Dispenser for gift exchange session... **Nicely wrapped @ midnight 3am... :P
*gotten darling to buy mee *o2 skin Diamante Fake lashes*
...my endless xmas present plan! :D*&... Mini Crocodile toy in Pink.
**pampered myself with some xmas pressies too~
*SaSa liquid foundation sponges for $1.95/pax*Pepperplus Grey Big Buckle Stretchable Belt @ $8
*Ella Grey blinging legging @ $9
...Pretty & cheap uh! :D
*Self cam whore time while im super boring @ work....
**Found 2 memorable photos at mee cuzzies place...
Hahaha.... sooooooooo CUTE!!!
Ok... OFF for mask!
PS: Merry Xmas to all once again~ :)
On 22nd Dec 2007, its my cousin big wedding day~
*congrate & bless to you my kor kor* :D
had lots of nice food, great fun & laughter! *bLeahx*
>>mee wake up early in the morning to to prepare for the tea ceremony
lata....>>cam whoring session with mee cousin & sis while waiting for ceremony to start...
>>Tea ceremony began... :D
*e couple serving tea to our cutie ah ma!*&... of cos mee beloved *mummy* :P
*Random: had tis super *yummy* tang yuan at mee ma ma house... has!
>>end of the ceremony, quickly headed home to prepare for the wedding in the nite....
*Yeah... mee darling came over too mee house to go to the wedding together....
...in the cab to ma ma house again to help them with the make up... :P>>completed mee task of putting make up for mee cousin & ma ma... &... of cos headed down to Orchard Parade Hotel for the dinner~
*haha... cam whoring wif mee beloved darling again~ :P*&... not forgetting all mee cuzzies~
**a candid shot by mee darling b4 proper post by all of us~ Has!
*...finally a proper one~ :D
*mee family~
>>some sweet moments of the LiL couple on their *big day* :)
*a small video to share of this great events...
>>Oso.... presenting all the *yummies* food on this wonderful day~*The Menu...
~The End~