Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sld I get a Crumpler?

I went shopping today and passed by Crumpler shop.

I saw this damn sweet & cute *pinky* Crumpler!! Its only $76! (consider cheap for a Crumpler)

HaiX.. Dun noe whether sld get or not... Cos I dun really use a sling bag!! BUT its pink that makes me so tempted to grab it!! :(


I also went to SaSa Wisma to get my Kanebo Naive Body Wash.

It is so cheaP la!!! Buy 1 actual bottle + 1 refill for Only $7.90. GooD deal!! :)

PLUS got free gift!!

*A box of Colour Pencil!! InterEsting. :)

Dear going to buy me a new handbag tomolo from C&K. YeAh!! *HappY*

Below is the handbag I want to get.. ^LooKing ForWarD^

Going sLp le!! NiteS my FrenS...

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